Friday, January 20, 2012

ECFPC 2012

Another first in my life was being able to attend the East Coast Face Painting Convention 2012. It was held in Manchester, CT at the Baymont Inn & Suites and was one of the most comfortable and relaxing conventions I have been too (out of 4). The people were great and they accepted me, even though I was a little eccentric with my tutu and bra, but in all were fabulous and I learned a lot from all. I had the chance to reconnect with artists I have not seen in a while and made new lasting relationships with others I only talk to on Facebook.

So you don't have to go through over 200 photos, I have put together a slideshow of some of what was done at the convention! I hope you enjoy and if you are going to Kapital Kidvention this year, I will see you there! I really hope this inspires you!

Here are a few photos of stuff i did after the convention before taking off back home:

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